“Nisarga …. The cyclonic challenge” …. Don’t know whether it is hard time for emergency services or to time to prove themselves…. As A “warrior”
Still we are fighting corona and next level alarm buzzed for high level risk of cyclone.
The whole management from district level to local level started moving for pre, post and during deaster impacts preparedness.
As a Fire Service we were front line rescuer and was equipped ourself with all cutting tools, Demolition tools and rescue boats….
Around 3 pm cyclonic wind started and our control room telephones started ringing & two teams with firetrucks turn out by 15:07 hrs and work for around next 26 hrs non stop. 29 tree collapsed call around the city received by control room, cyclone damaged electric overhead wires, uprooted trees and electric poles lying on houses, building, road, causing slowing down traffic and inconvenience to public and medical emergency movement, the same were clear off on priority basis.
Next challenge was clearing off electrical over head high tention cables… And same was done very efficiently and effectively with the timely back up of BMC admini-stration, municipal electric department, MSEB staff.
After 26 hrs of tiredless operation of mission “Nisaraga” was accomplish successfuly with no life loss and causulty.
“We Work Together & We Serve To Save”
Jai Hind