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HomeArticle/ Features“True story of Real Fire Fighter Deepak Ghosh who turned Covid Fighter...

“True story of Real Fire Fighter Deepak Ghosh who turned Covid Fighter and his encounter with dreaded disease in his own words”

Mr. Deepak Ghosh is Divisional Fire Officer in Mumbai Fire Brigade who has won titles like IRONMAN, Toughest Fire Fighter Alive and Combat 360 challenge and also awarded with President Fire Service medal for Galantry.

For d benefit of society I, Deepak Ghosh from Mumbai want to share some useful information about Covid as per my Experience during the illness n Hospital stay of 9 days.

I was having fever, sore throat , body pain n headache. After medication for 3 days, I felt_ perfect. After 2 days again there was slight fever n uneasiness when I suspected something fishy n decided to go for Corona Test next day morning.

Wednesday 24th June 2020 was very hectic in d office n I went to sleep at 12 in d night. After 1 hr at 1 am I had to responded to a major fire call at Marol as per Fire control room message. Fire was confined to oil, kerosene, machinery, plastic material etc in an Industrial Estate. I directed to surrounded d fire from three side with 4 water jets, 1 high pressure gun n later with two foam lines. During firefighting I felt giddiness n breathlessness. So I went few steps back n sat on drum kept nearby. However suddenly I fainted but I managed to remove my Helmet and Balacava mask of PPE. My colleague Officer n fireman shifted me to Nanavati Hospital in ambulance with nasal oxygen. Though I gained consciousness immediately n was well oriented, was feeling sever weakness n heavy breathing. I was admitted in Casualty for further treatment.

Unluckily I also tested positive for Covid swab test n my CT scan showed slight pneumoniatic patch. My wife also tested Covid positive n was admitted in same room. My daughter managed herself in d home quarantine where my colleague Officer, office staff and my friend took good care of her during our absence. We finished our prescribed medicine however we again tested positive twice after 6th n 9th day.

With d Grace of God n blessings of Elders, we were discharged from Hospital after 9 days of good care n treatment by Doctors, Nurses n all Hospital staff. As per new guidelines We are home quarantine for 14 days. Both of us r now fine n without any Symptoms. Thanks a lot for all good wishes, support n concern of near and dear ones.

First of all, Nothing to worry now as We can overcome Corona. Only thing is that should be detected and treated before it becomes fatal. Watch for symptoms like Fever, Cough, Cold, Headache, Body pain, Sore throat, taste n smell loss, loose motion, heavy breathing and start early medical treatment. If severity increases or symptoms persist after 3 days then doing Corona test is advisable. CT scan is one of d IMP test for lungs condition.

Most of us r mostly taking Kada n other imunity boosters. The most important thing is to monitor our SpO2 (saturated peripheral Oxygen in the blood) level. It’s a vital parameter and I recommend we should have own Pulse Oximeter (Rs1500-2000). Atleast check ur n all family members oxygen level and pulse twice a day. Ideally it is around 97-99 percent. Be alert if it falls below 95 percent. In any case should not drop below 90 % when u need medical attention. Higher level of pulse above 85-90 is also indicative of fever. In case of other symptoms present, check d O2 level min 4 times a day. As this virus affects our lungs n respiration system, we may feel heavy breathing/breathlessness. So we can start medical treatment early if we monitor our O2 level and avoid emergency arising due to breathing trouble which is most critical thing to treat. Drink hot water n take water vapours.

Corona is now spreading fast but loosing its fatality. Like human being it is also gaining immunity n hence patients r testing positive again n again but plus point it is getting weaker. Don’t worry guys. Keep d morale high. What I felt as a sportsperson is Fighting with Corona is like doing Triathlon that is fighting on three fronts like Mental, Physical n Social.

Our Metal strength is d key thing in d fight against Covid. During our battle remember U r d one n only person who will be there on d field. Our family, friends, relatives won’t be able to help us. So one should be in high mental frame.

Physical fitness is what u do prior to ur illness as we can’t do much during our fight. We should do moderate exercise n Simple breathing exercise to keep our lungs n other organs healthy. Daily concentrate on your breathing for few minutes including deep n slow inhalation n exhalation (belly breathing using our diaphragm).

Socially be in contact with Optimistic persons with positive vibes. Luckily we have very strong n supportive family of officers n staff in d Fire brigade. Do not get more involved in news channels, fake vdos, social media. One should use d electronic media judiciously to get info n knowledge but should not allow it to control our mind. Maintain good relationship with our neighbors as they r d first to respond n take care of our family.

Remember this Pandemic has reminded n made us realise about our basic needs only and how all r at same level in this life. Last but not d least, take precautions so as to avoid Corona but do not fear n be brave  if unluckily we get infected. We all can surely come out of it. Keep some cash handy to deal with any emergency situation. Respect Doctors, paramedics and all other Corona Warriors. Do not panic but Relax n get prepared for any eventuality. Do good for others n Be blessed always.

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