On November 28, 2024, Bhubaneswar witnessed a landmark event at Hotel Hindustan International—the 65th Safe India Hero Plus Awards and the curtain raiser for the 5th SafeTech Awards. Organized by Kings Expomediaa Ltd. and exclusively sponsored by ASKA, the event underscored India’s unwavering commitment to fire safety innovation. Supported by Odisha Fire and Emergency Services, it brought together over 250 delegates from the fire, safety, civil defense, and disaster rescue sectors, recognizing the extraordinary bravery of 45 fire heroes and 20 safety heroes.
Safe India Hero Plus Awards: Honoring Courage and Ingenuity
The Safe India Hero Plus Awards ceremony was the event’s centerpiece, celebrating individuals and organizations for their exceptional contributions to fire safety and emergency response. These awards honored not only acts of bravery but also the proactive adoption of safety measures in industrial and public domains, setting new benchmarks for heroism and innovation. A highlight of the event was the Lifetime Achievement Award, presented to Mr. Maheshwar Swain, Rtd. CFO Odisha, by Dr. Sudhanshu Sarangi, IPS, DG of Odisha Fire & Emergency Services, in recognition of his decades-long dedication to fire safety.
Insightful Sessions with Industry Leaders
The event featured dynamic technical sessions led by distinguished experts. Dr. Niranjan Kumar Gupta, CEO of Kings Expomedia Ltd., opened the conference, followed by thought-provoking lectures from key speakers:
Mr. Maheshwar Swain, Rtd. CFO Odisha, captivated the audience with a compelling presentation on “Killer Fire and Smoke,” shedding light on the unseen dangers of fire incidents.
Mr. R. C. Sharma, Former Director of Delhi Fire Service, shared valuable insights on hospital fire safety, emphasizing how civilians can play a crucial role in fire prevention through vigilance and quick response.
Dr. Malay Pradhan, GM (ID & CBRN), provided critical insights on chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear safety measures.
Dr. Deepak Ghosh, Dy. CFO of Mumbai Fire Brigade, delivered an engaging presentation on urban fire management strategies and best practices.
Mr. Kamal Lochan Sharma, IAS, Executive Director of OSDMA, emphasized disaster preparedness and building community resilience.
Additionally, Dr. Satyajit Mohanty, IPS (Retd.), and Dr. Sudhanshu Sarangi, IPS, DG of Odisha Fire & Emergency Services, delivered powerful speeches on the evolving landscape of fire safety and emergency management. Their expertise showcased Odisha’s leadership in pioneering fire safety initiatives and highlighted the state’s critical role in shaping national safety standards.
Driving Forward a Safer Future
The 5th SafeTech Awards and Safe India Hero Plus Awards marked a significant milestone in advancing India’s safety culture. By honoring heroes and recognizing cutting-edge safety solutions, this platform serves as a beacon of inspiration for continuous innovation in safeguarding lives and property.
A special acknowledgment goes to Shri Maheshwar Swain for his invaluable insights and for receiving the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award, and to DG Dr. Sudhanshu Sarangi, whose enlightening address reinforced the importance of advanced fire safety measures.
This event, powered by ASKA’s exclusive sponsorship, was more than a celebration—it was a rallying call for businesses, government agencies, and communities to prioritize investment in state-of-the-art safety technologies and comprehensive training.
With the contributions of these distinguished experts and the unwavering support of ASKA, the event solidified India’s resilience and commitment to building a safer, more secure future for all.