The curtains fell on the highly anticipated “World of Safety Expo & Summit 2024,” a groundbreaking event that unfolded at the Bombay Exhibition Center. The grand inauguration witnessed the esteemed presence of Shri Devidas Gore, Director of Industrial Safety and Health (DISH), Maharashtra, and Mr. Sanjay Kshirsagar, Head of Manufacturing Operations at Mahindra Heavy Engines Ltd., Igatpuri Plant, Maharashtra.
Accompanied by dignitaries from SAMA, including Mr. Hemant Sapra – President, Mrs. Wendy Pereira – Vice President, Mr. Dipesh Shah, Mr. Virendra Johari, Executive Director, and Mr. Mahesh Kudav, alongside Joint and Deputy Directors of Industrial Safety Health – DISH, and factory inspectors from across Maharashtra, the event drew the participation of over 700 Safety Officers from various work units.
Jointly organized by NESCO Events, SAMA (Safety Appliances and Manufacturers Association), and the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health, the 2nd Edition of the “World of Safety Summit Expo 2024” showcased Maharashtra’s status as a prime destination for industrial investments. Being the manufacturing hub of India, the state boasts skilled manpower and advanced industrial infrastructure, underscoring the critical need for workforce safety.
The two-day exhibition and conference focused on industrial safety solutions and equipment, aiming to raise awareness among workers, safety officers, factory management, and stakeholders. With a diverse display of safety-related equipment and a concurrent conference on workforce safety, the program successfully introduced new technologies, information, and best practices in industrial safety.
This initiative pursued the ambitious goal of ‘Zero Accident’ by uniting all stakeholders to create a sustainable and safe environment in Maharashtra’s industrial sector. Mr. Devidas Gore passionately urged senior stakeholders, government and private sector representatives, factory inspectors, and health safety-environment officials to attend the summit on February 5 & 6. He expressed gratitude to Nesco & SAMA for organizing this significant conference, emphasizing the pivotal role it played in advancing the cause of industrial safety in the region.
In conclusion, the “World of Safety Expo & Summit 2024” not only lived up to its expectations but exceeded them, leaving a lasting impact on the industrial landscape of Maharashtra. The collaborative efforts of NESCO Events, SAMA, and the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health have set a new standard for promoting safety, innovation, and collaboration in the pursuit of a safer working environment.